"Friend": So how are things, Chubby?
Chubby: Things haven't been going pretty well for me these past couple of days. Got some scary news from my last pelvic exam. She told me I have a clutter of fibroids that's blocking my right fallopian tube, but I can't get any further information because my Gyno is on vacation until Wednesday, so I'm basically stressing the fuck out because I've been in pain for some time and I now know what that's all about, but fact that I may not be able to have kids-That's what's really keeping me up at night-Not that I'm ready to have kids now, but when you're told you may not be able to have them, it makes you consider it. I'm over-worked and need a serious vacation, but too many obligations this month and into September, so I'm looking at October until I can get away from it all. And to top that off, my car got keyed. Clear across the side. Like a racing stripe. It was a disgruntled client. The earliest I can get it repaired is next week. To date, three people have looked at me at red lights and/or stop signs either laughing or they'll give me that, "Who did you piss off?" look. Oh, and I'm suffering from serious insomnia, which is like a domino effect because I'm too tired to hit the gym before work and am in a grumpy mood all day. So that's what's happening in my world..So far...Today. Things may get worse or better in the days to come. How are things going with you?
"Friend": Um. Fine. Just fine.
At 6:40 AM,
Knockout Zed said…
I hope this medical issue doesn't mean you won't be able to have kids. That's some serious shit, but honestly not as serious as your good health.
On another note, I saw this chick in Miami that had "bitch" keyed into her black BMW. It was pretty big. That has to be worse than a racing stripe, right?
At 7:13 AM,
1969 said…
You know I am going through these issues with my mom right now. Keep your head up and know that there are many new treatments for fibroids. It doesn't mean you won't be able to have kids...that is an extreme resolution.
I am praying for you.
As for the car getting keyed...OUCH!
At 8:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
**cyber hug* awwww Chubby...No words just prayers...
At 9:57 AM,
Butterfly Jones said…
Big hugs CC. Sometimes you just got to get real with your friends and get shit off your chest. I hope she found some words of comfort for you.
I'm praying for you too. xxx
At 5:47 PM,
Abeni said…
Friend got way more than they bargained for.Fibroids,the scourge of black women.Hopefully,they not to big and you could have corrective surgery
At 3:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oh. You poor thing. I hope your case of fibroids is minor. Have friends that have had fibroids taken out with no trouble.
At 6:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Chubby-
I just stumbled across your blog while daydreaming about Idris Elba at work. I googled his image and got your blog! I've been hooked ever since. They way I see it are truly a friend in my head.
As far as the fibroid thing...I am 28 years old and learned I had fibroids after chasing doctors around and explaining my pains to them. The latest doctor discovered I had fibroids. My fibroids were deep and within the muscle/lining of the uterus wall. She told me that mine were not that big, but because of where they were positioned I would have to have a myomectomy through laparatomy (yes girl, an incision across the abdomen). Well, you could have just killed me right then. I will inform you that I had the procedure June 22nd, was out of work for 4 weeks and am feeling good. The surgery was successful and she says my tubes and ovaries looked good. Fibroids are not the end. Just one more thing on the list to piss us the f--- off.
As far as the key thing. I too, had my BMW car keyed. I don't know for sure who did it. Either an ex of mine (whom, I tried to cut it off with that wasn't trying to hear it) or someone I cut off in these mean streets of NYC. I haven't repaired mine yet. I did cover it with a liquid film of paint so it won't rust, but I can't be bothered.
At 12:55 PM,
Blah Blah Blah said…
...when i get there next week...we about to beat abitch down! Or at least take here wallet and get her cash to pay fo rthe racing stripe. Least it wasn't a bullet hole....use to see them all the time in east oakland...
How you gonna ride around with bullet holes in your car??? da hell!!!
I'll say a lil prayer for you....and them damn fibroids...See you next week.
At 3:20 PM,
Prayer in deed is what all of your blog buddies will be doing for you. I hope this all works out...When it rains it pours hun...believe u me, nobody knows that more than me. how sure are u that it was a disgruntled client, are u sure it wasnt that chick u bitch slapped last week?
If it was that cracker, u need to slap the other cheek and teach that bitch a lesson!
hey, if she was a true friend, she was glad u shared that with her ;)
if not, next time she will think twice about asking questions she really dont want the answers to!!
At 9:09 PM,
Chubby Chocolate said…
@ Anonymous: Thanks for sharing. My Dr. decided to not return to work today, so I won't know anything until tomorrow-hopefully.
@ Everyone else: Thanks. I'm keeping my fingers, toes and legs..well, not the legs crossed. I just keep reminding myself that things could be much worse.. Instead of a fibroid, it could be ovarian cancer. Instead of a keyed car, it could have been a severed limb..You know, just gotta look on the bright side.
@ BLAH! The fragile mood I'm in, I'm liable to wait for ol' cracka at the gym and pounce on her just for the hell of it. I'll try to hold off on that until you come! :-)
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