If you are a member of the social/behavioral cult known as Landmark Education then I strongly inform you to stop reading. If you're not "evolved" enough to read factual criticism about a remodeled est scam then maybe you should get a refund on the thousands you spent taking the Landmark classes.
Last year, a friend was invited to attend an "informational" gathering to learn about ways to "empower herself in generating unlimited possibilities and making a difference". She's originally from Brazil and had recently moved to San Francisco. She was in between jobs and her room mate had just died of an overdose. I guess you could say she was in a fragile state. She attended the social gathering and decided to spend $500 and participate in Landmark Forum. Today, she's bouncing from house to house while persuing her career in becoming a healer. We don't talk anymore because when I tried to have a conversation with her, she agreesively tried to recruit me to the cult. A simple phone conversation turned into this:
Landmark Droid: Hey, Chubby how was your day today?
Landmark Droid: Hey, Chubby how was your day today?
Chubby: Had a long, shitty day at work. My staff is getting on my nerves.
Landmark Droid: Have you ever stopped to think that it's you whose making them get on your nerves? Maybe it's not them. You know, Landmark has taught me to look at myself first before I blame others for their actions. They are probably reacting to something that I did, so I'm just facing the consequences for something I said or did and didn't realize.......
Chubby: Hold on, someone's on my other line (Chubby presses the mute button, counts to four and unmutes the phone). Can I call you back, it's my mother.
Landmark Droid: Make sure you call back, because I want to invite you to a information gathering my friend is having."
After months of nagging, I broke down and attended an informational meeting. My intentions was to attend, say no thank you and move on. It was at a hotel and there was a mixture of people there. The Landmark staff were a bit scary. Their pupils were dialted from sheer happiness. The meeting lasted for four hours and we weren't allowed to go to the bathroom. After the session ended, we were escorted to the other side of the ballroom and encouraged to sign up for the Forum. I told the woman I wasn't interested. After 30 minutes of the tug of war, I got frustrated and told her I had to leave. When she saw I wasn't budging from my decision, she accused me of being scared to discover my full potential.
Needless to say, Anna informed me that we could no longer communicate because she needed to be with people who lived life the way she did and I would never be happy in life.
Today, I have two people trying to get me to join this crap. Last Thursday, during dinner with a group of friends... This was his pitch:
Landmark Droid II: Hey Chubby, I noticed you haven't been with anyone since you broke things off with your fiance.
Chubby: Nope. I'm just sampling what's out there. Just having fun.
Landmark II: Did you see the movie V for Vendetta?
Chubby: I loved that movie! I ripped it from my that website you reccommended last week.
Landmark Droid II: Did you know the Writer was a Landmark graduate? He also made the Matrix trilogies.
Chubby: Didn't know that. How are things with your new girlfriend?
Landmark Droid II: We're not talking anymore. I met someone else. I met her from my Landmark Leadership classes. You should really consider doing it. I bet you $500 if you completed the Forum, you'll be in a healthy happy relationship in no time.
Chubby: Already know about Landmark. Thanks for the advice. Let's change the topic now.
About two hours ago, I get a call from my financial advisor. For the past three months, he's been trying to recruit me.
Landmark Droid #3: I've yet to see your beautiful smile at the Landmark courses. Can you make it tonight? What's holding you back from reaching your full potential?
Chubby: I've lost some people to that. I think it's a social cult. I have my own reasons to believe this and there's nothing you can tell me that will change my perception of it.
He just sent me the following e-mail:
I am deeply saddened by the conversation that just took place. I do value your opinion and am aware that there are people on this planet who wish to spread negative lies about Landmark Education. You seem to be an intelligent young woman and I assumed you would give something the benefit of the doubt before feeling so strongly against it. If you ever change your mind, please visit us at the Preservation Park. We're there most nights at 7pm. Please remember, you'll never know your full potential in life until you take the dive. Landmark is the pool!
He just sent me the following e-mail:
I am deeply saddened by the conversation that just took place. I do value your opinion and am aware that there are people on this planet who wish to spread negative lies about Landmark Education. You seem to be an intelligent young woman and I assumed you would give something the benefit of the doubt before feeling so strongly against it. If you ever change your mind, please visit us at the Preservation Park. We're there most nights at 7pm. Please remember, you'll never know your full potential in life until you take the dive. Landmark is the pool!
(Thanks for the help and I like it...)
At 8:24 AM,
Prophetess said…
Hey, Chubs! First a shout out to you for showing me love on my blog. I appreciate you dearly, sis!
Now back to Landmark: I've never even heard of it. Well, now I know about them since you've told us about them. They seem creepy with the over aggressive sales pitches and shit. And then the email. Lord have mercy...
Like your happiness depends on them... People are crazy, I swear. Just plain crazy. And they think you can't see through their bullshit,too.
At 8:48 AM,
dee goldie said…
I was invited to go to the landmark forum "graduation" of one of my girls. It was insanity.
After the graduation ceremony bullshit, they separated all of the graduates' guests into separate rooms and started telling us why we needed to sign up. They asked me what was really holding me back in my life and when I said "nothing, my life is actually great and I feel good about myself," they started telling me that I couldn't possibly be happy and that me thinking i am happy is really a sign that I have problems I need to deal with. They said I wasn't reaching my full potential due to my failure to admit my problems! and that they could help me get to the root of my depression if i signed up.
what the fuck?
I thought i was going to a celebration for my girl and instead got locked in a roomful of strangers for two hours. I could go on and on with other related Landmark horror stories, but this is your blog, not mine, so i'll stop here! =)
Landmark forum is nothin but a money making cult! I'm glad you called them out for the bullshit that they really are.
At 9:27 AM,
sj-the-infamous said…
Thanks for confirming what I thought. I have a friend who mentioned "Landmark" in an email earlier this spring and I haven't talked to her since. Why am I not surprised?
At 10:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
They will pay to go to a forum about "happiness" "reaching their full potential" but you can't get the to go to church -for free mind you- to meet the author of happiness (God) and the best friend to help you meet your full potential (Jesus) yeah run as fast as you can LOL
At 10:21 AM,
Enigma said…
OK. That is scary. I have never heard of these people and I am glad about that. I will pray for the folks who are involved in it. Thanks for the heads up.
At 12:47 PM,
I aint heard about Landmark, but if its anything like the Landmark Chevorlet dealership we have here in the H, then they are a bunch of, that is pretty creepy. Even your financial advisor, wow, you need to becareful with that one. mznewagenda is right, they do need God and Jesus, at least God dont charge.
At 6:52 PM,
Chubby Chocolate said…
I just discovered their corporate office is located in San Francisco. So maybe it's a West Coast thing?
At 8:59 PM,
The_Practitioner said…
Wow. I've never heard of this Landmark thing. But damn if it don't sound like Amway. Their a cult too.
At one time in the mid to late 90's I had a gang of people (including friends and family) trying to invite me to "meetings" to start my own "business". It always ended up being Amway.
Damn you Amway-ites.
At 5:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Serial....that and that Primerica and Excel *smh* then when they get burned by it...they never mention it bring it up "Hey whatever happen to that Excel thang you were working with" and they stutter "errr 'bout them Eagles." LOL
At 5:41 AM,
Anita said…
Great post, Chubby...The Landmark thing is more widespread than you think - I've heard of it here in England too.
I used to volunteer for a helpline, and some of the most disturbing calls I received were from people who were being harassed by Landmark zombies when they tried to leave the cult. Scary stuff.
At 7:17 AM,
Butterfly Jones said…
I heard of it too CC. I think my sister actually did that nonsense. Some crying in a room shit with a bunch of strangers - fuck no! I'm not into that self-help claptrap. One book - that's all you need, the rest of 'em just repeating the same damn fool nonsense. A bunch of my girlfriends did that Anthony Robbins bollocks too - but I'm thinking to myself, but some of these girls are some selfish, materialistic hoes, before and after walking on hot coals. Why do I need to pay £500 for that bollocks. No ta.
At 10:09 AM,
Knockout Zed said…
I've never heard of this shit, but I'm skeptical of most everything anyway. I hate Amway, Primerica, and all that other pyramid, Ponzi, cultish shit.
At 11:20 AM,
NameLiar said…
Don't you just love a good cult?
I was reading this post like who the hell are these people.
At 4:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh crap, my brother is in this. Lets hope he sees the light at some point.
At 9:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
Wow - this is a lot of trauma sharing.
When was the last time any of you let anyone contribute to your life?
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