Did I just pay for sex?
After dodging him for the past three weeks, I finally returned Big Dick Munchkins calls with the hopes of a booty call. I didn't feel like driving to his house. It has been a while though, and I need to relieve some serious stress. I made up my mind to get him to come to me.
Turns out he didn't feel like driving either.
"Gas is too expensive and I'm days away from my next paycheck."
"I know what you mean. It cost me $65 to fill up my tank over the weekend." I tried really hard to sound as if I cared about his financial situation. Broke ass, big dick, magic-tongued fucker.
"I would come over, but I just don't have enough gas to make it there and work until Friday and I really want to see you..."
My hew-hew started to contract. She kicked my brain to the passanger side and took the drivers seat.
"If you come over, I'll give you a gas card. It's only $25, but I'm sure that will give you almost half a tank (He drives a big SUV...Napoleon Complex in its truest form)."
"I'll be there in 30 minutes."
After our bout, I was in my orgasmic induced stupor and my ears were ringing. I completely forgot about the gas card and started walking him to the door. We reached the living room and he was looking at me, wanting me to read his mind because he was too ashamed to speak.
"How much did you say you paid for gas over the weekend?" Hint. Hint.
I retrieved my wallet from my purse and handed him the card.
It was at that moment that I felt dirty. That brief moment when I passed the card to him and both of our hands were on it. I couldn't look him in the eye. He took the card and left.
Technically, I didn't pay for sex because I didn't give him money. Yes, the card has a monetary value and true it was in my wallet, but I didn't pay for the gas card. It's one of the perks from my job. My agency paid for the gas card, which means my agency paid for the gas, so therefore, I didn't pay for the dick and tongue. Nope I sure didn't.
I merely engaged in a small bartered transaction.
After dodging him for the past three weeks, I finally returned Big Dick Munchkins calls with the hopes of a booty call. I didn't feel like driving to his house. It has been a while though, and I need to relieve some serious stress. I made up my mind to get him to come to me.
Turns out he didn't feel like driving either.
"Gas is too expensive and I'm days away from my next paycheck."
"I know what you mean. It cost me $65 to fill up my tank over the weekend." I tried really hard to sound as if I cared about his financial situation. Broke ass, big dick, magic-tongued fucker.
"I would come over, but I just don't have enough gas to make it there and work until Friday and I really want to see you..."
My hew-hew started to contract. She kicked my brain to the passanger side and took the drivers seat.
"If you come over, I'll give you a gas card. It's only $25, but I'm sure that will give you almost half a tank (He drives a big SUV...Napoleon Complex in its truest form)."
"I'll be there in 30 minutes."
After our bout, I was in my orgasmic induced stupor and my ears were ringing. I completely forgot about the gas card and started walking him to the door. We reached the living room and he was looking at me, wanting me to read his mind because he was too ashamed to speak.
"How much did you say you paid for gas over the weekend?" Hint. Hint.
I retrieved my wallet from my purse and handed him the card.
It was at that moment that I felt dirty. That brief moment when I passed the card to him and both of our hands were on it. I couldn't look him in the eye. He took the card and left.
Technically, I didn't pay for sex because I didn't give him money. Yes, the card has a monetary value and true it was in my wallet, but I didn't pay for the gas card. It's one of the perks from my job. My agency paid for the gas card, which means my agency paid for the gas, so therefore, I didn't pay for the dick and tongue. Nope I sure didn't.
I merely engaged in a small bartered transaction.
At 5:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
yes you paid for it LOL *on the floor cracking up*
At 6:30 AM,
Knockout Zed said…
You paid for sex, sweetie. Men do it all the time.
"Yes, I'll have the filet mignon..."
At 7:30 AM,
hey, a girl gots ta do what a girl gots ta do ;)
At 7:52 AM,
BZ said…
Do whatcha gotta do, girl! I ain't madatcha!
At 11:41 AM,
Angie said…
Girl you got of cheap at $25. Do what ya gotta! LOL
At 3:59 PM,
NameLiar said…
Was it only worth $25? Cause if it was worth more I say you just cheated a dude. Got $500 worth of sex for $
Sounds like you came out on top to me.
At 8:46 PM,
nikki said…
BWAAHAHAHAHAHA! so basically, your agency pimped you out. dayum...
this was my favorite line in this entry "Broke ass, big dick, magic-tongued fucker."
at least you got some ass in the bargain.
At 6:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
Could have been worse. At least you got some.
At 1:23 PM,
Disco said…
Girl.... that was a token of appreciation in this barter exchange..... that's all..... i'dda done it too! LOL
At 11:04 AM,
Organized Noise said…
Would you have felt the same way if you had gone to his house and spent $25 on takeout and a video rental? Don't think too much about it. You got what you wanted, he got what he wanted. Everyone's happen and nobody got hurt.
At 12:05 PM,
So...Wise...Sista said…
Ainit nuttin wrong wit it. Esp since it was azz on your agency's dime. That's gotta be considered benefits or PTO or pension or somethin!
At 6:09 AM,
1969 said…
$25? You made out like a bandit.
At 7:56 AM,
Blah Blah Blah said…
Ummm, you need to find some new ass...and fast that's closer!
You ain't paying or handing out perks to NO man to come over and hit your good shit.
Fuck that!
...your assignment should you chose to except: to go to the Serenader and find you a rough-neck to blow out your back upon your beck and call.
The only thing you will offer your own condoms 'cause mutha-effas can't be trusted to ring their own shit.
At 8:38 AM,
Chronicles Of The Sexy Fat Chick said…
Damn, I'm so upset you went out like that. Dudes be trippin for real. I would have just donw with out it. from one Sexy Fat Chick to another please don't be fooled again lol. There is a better way . Nice Post Ma ~1~
At 10:12 AM,
Haley said…
I couldn't have said it better myself. Your company paid for your orgasm, and so they should. LOL
At 10:13 AM,
Butterfly Jones said…
Quid pro quo. I mean, how many times have we rewarded a man who has done something 'nice' for us (dinner/movie/shoes/dress) with a suck on the old magic stick....
At 3:18 PM,
Prophetess said…
Ass, gas, or grass. That's all I'ma say.
At 3:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
ROFLMAO>'ve reached a new low girly! LOL
At 2:16 PM,
Nika Laqui said…
Its quite alright, as long as you felt good afterwards....*lol*
At 1:25 AM,
Unknown said…
I would rather pay a couple of dollars for good dick than get bad dick for free.
At 12:16 PM,
Unknown said…
You crack me up girl!! Big time!!
"big dick, magic-tongued fucker"
Used to have one too!! Real good he was!! Until i discovered he was spoken for. Well, all good things had to come to an end!! LOL!!
At 5:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
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He Knows,he knows
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