Ever feel like you're on automatic? Like everything around you is moving, progressing except you? You're breathing, talking and moving, but you feel like you're just taking up space?
That's what the 14 year old told me yesterday. Even though it's way out of my league, I'm helping her out by talking to her. Some days it helps, some days, I can tell she just wants to get out of my office. Last week she disclosed that she had sex for the first time...With a 23 year old....Without a condom.
My first impulse was to slap the shit out of her, but she's not my kid to be slapping. I was on the verge of tears, but then I had to remember that she did come to me, which means that she can trust me. I had to keep my cool and respond.
I was proud of myself. I actually sounded like I had sense when I gave her the sex & men talk. She was very appreciative and thankful. I gave her an HIV test (knowing it would show up negative because her window period just started), just to spook her and scheduled an appointment at Planned Parenthood for a pap smear and birth control pills.
"So did he pull out or cum inside you?"
She looks down at the ground and shrugs her shoulders
"If you're too embarassed to talk about it then you're not mature enough to have sex."
She nodded and started crying and then she finally told me the whole story.
I had to call her mother and tell her what happened, in her own apartment while she was out zooted on crack. Even though the girl claims it was consentual, I know she was forced. Her crack head mother claims she'll follow through and press charges against him, but I'm sure nothing will come about it.
She says she doesn't want to do it again for a long time, but that's what we all said.
When I got home, I was so mentally exhausted. I can't imagine what it's like for her, living in a crack house, no supervision... I do feel that I'm doing what I can, but damn.
I'm debtaing on whether or not I should make an anonymous call to CPS, but if I do that, it will just create a whole new set of problems for her and then she'll get thrown in the system....I really don't know what to do.
That's what the 14 year old told me yesterday. Even though it's way out of my league, I'm helping her out by talking to her. Some days it helps, some days, I can tell she just wants to get out of my office. Last week she disclosed that she had sex for the first time...With a 23 year old....Without a condom.
My first impulse was to slap the shit out of her, but she's not my kid to be slapping. I was on the verge of tears, but then I had to remember that she did come to me, which means that she can trust me. I had to keep my cool and respond.
I was proud of myself. I actually sounded like I had sense when I gave her the sex & men talk. She was very appreciative and thankful. I gave her an HIV test (knowing it would show up negative because her window period just started), just to spook her and scheduled an appointment at Planned Parenthood for a pap smear and birth control pills.
"So did he pull out or cum inside you?"
She looks down at the ground and shrugs her shoulders
"If you're too embarassed to talk about it then you're not mature enough to have sex."
She nodded and started crying and then she finally told me the whole story.
I had to call her mother and tell her what happened, in her own apartment while she was out zooted on crack. Even though the girl claims it was consentual, I know she was forced. Her crack head mother claims she'll follow through and press charges against him, but I'm sure nothing will come about it.
She says she doesn't want to do it again for a long time, but that's what we all said.
When I got home, I was so mentally exhausted. I can't imagine what it's like for her, living in a crack house, no supervision... I do feel that I'm doing what I can, but damn.
I'm debtaing on whether or not I should make an anonymous call to CPS, but if I do that, it will just create a whole new set of problems for her and then she'll get thrown in the system....I really don't know what to do.
At 2:05 PM,
that really sucks....poor girl, i mean, she didnt ask for any of this....hope she is old enough to get out soon.......
at least she has you to point her in the right direction ;)
At 2:51 PM,
Abeni said…
Tuff decision.Think about it and you will do the right thing
At 3:46 PM,
Anita said…
Sounds like you're doing the best you can. Sleep on it, calling CPS is a big decision. Good luck x
At 6:33 PM,
ThandieLand said…
When one says they don't know what to do, what they often mean is that they don't want to do the right thing. You may cuss me for saying this but I think this is true for this case.
She might be lucky to get at least supervision in a foster home. But then again you know the realities of the foster system and CPS in your city better than I.
It is indeed nearly always hard to do the right thing. In that regard I don't envy you at all.
At 7:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
That is a tough decision>>labtecc
At 7:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
You make me wonder if she is my little cousin *huge sigh*
At 3:58 AM,
EqualOpportunityCrush said…
damn, this situation is a shame on so many levels. does the girl have any other family that could take her in and provide her with a safe and stable home? You're right, CPS will bring a whole other set of issues, but it doesn't sound like being with her mother is much better..
At 7:47 AM,
YouToldHarpoTaBeatMe said…
Hey. My 1st time on your blog...err umm...may I be blunt about something?
I seriously doubt Momma's gonna press charges because Momma's habit and debt might've been paid off with her daughter's body. As much as I hated to type that, and as much as I KNOW you hated to read that, in this day in age, our children are becoming less and less of a priority to some of us.
Please think on that CPS tho. She could possibly be going from bad to worse. I hope you always leave the light on for her.
At 4:19 AM,
NeenaLove said…
wow... stuck between a rock and hard place.
i'm reminded of that "starfish" story where the boy was throwing the starfish back in the ocean after a terrible storm. do you know the story? anyway... a man comes along and tells the boy that there are hundreds of starfish on the beach. there's NO WAY the little boy could save them all.
the little boy replied with, "i made a difference for that one." as he continued flying the starfish into the ocean.
i dont know the circumstances or the nature of your relationship with the girl but i think we all can make differences in the lives of people around us.
you have a blessed opportunity. i wish you the best.
At 10:01 AM,
Mr.Slish said…
Get that child out of that HOUSE!!! I've been reading your blog for quite some time now..Your a creative gal!!! Find a way!! If you don't her life will be over before it begins...
At 11:42 AM,
Knockout Zed said…
I really don't know what to say. This shit is tough. What the fuck can you say about a situation when you realize maybe a crackhouse IS better than the system? This is some rotten shit.
At 3:26 PM,
nikki said…
if your 'system' is anything like the one here in georgia, putting her in it will more than likely be worse than what she's in now.
MAN, this is a tough situation! i'm so glad she's got you. at least she has SOMEONE.
At 5:44 PM,
Chubby Chocolate said…
I helped her locate her aunt who lives about 30 minutes away and she's going to take her in this weekend. She has a daughter whose the girls age,so hopefully it will work out.
At 8:34 AM,
So...Wise...Sista said…
I think you're doing a great job...above and beyond your "job description," but I'm sure in your line of work, that IS the description. Kudos to you for giving her the straight talk, and the HIV test. That's probably more than she's ever learned in health class. Knowledge is power.
And I think you're on the right track in terms of finding her aunt. I hope that's not another bad situation for her. But I think that short of taking her in yourself, the best you can do is to identify a number of "safe houses" and people she can trust. So if she feels like she's imposing on you, she will have other options of people to go to. Maybe it's the compassionate nurse at school, or someone from a neighborhood church. I know there are resources, bec this is the kind of story that if God forbid something bad happened, the community would be "outraged." So let the community put up or shut up. Hope that helps. Stay strong girlie!
At 1:01 PM,
LadyLee said…
Well Chubby, at least she had someone that she could come talk to, you know... Maybe that little candid talk you had with her could be something that she looks back on, something that will steer her in the right direction...
At 5:23 AM,
Butterfly Jones said…
Good job CC, I really hope that the aunt situation works out for her.
At 10:45 PM,
TRUTHZ said…
it's hard taking on others problems...esp kids. please be careful so you won't get hurt by getting to emotionally involved. i have to remind myself that them gurls ain't really mind when i hear abt some of their freakest sex stories... then thinking abt how they were born addicted and how they momma tried to sell them for a hit... all you can do is do what you doing and that's try to show her that it's another way..but ultimately, it's her decision to make..know that whatever decision she makes that it does not reflect on the type of help you gave
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