The first storm of the season has arrived, so I'm hibernating in the house.
I can't read other blogger pages since I "upgraded" my blogger account. Someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong. My friend is trying to convince me to do a week long detox diet. I started it and was doing well. Two granny smith apples, a pomegranate, 24 oz of water and two cups of herbal tea. When I got home, I chomped down some cheez its, a chocolate mousse canoli and I'm waiting for my thai food to be delivered. I'm a very bossy person. I like to be in control. How in the hell did she expect me to follow a strict diet for seven days? Not happening. She just called me and told me she's been bitchy all day because she's so hungry. I told her the detox diet is going very well for me and I have no cravings.
Last week, I saw the Brand New Heavies at the Mezanine in the city. They are my favorite band of all time (Jamiroquai and The Roots are tied). When the doors opened, I reserved my spot, middle front stage. I hid my digital camera underneath my right boob, my first BNH cassette underneath my left boob and waited for them to grace the stage. The place packed quick, which was astonishing to me, being that it was almost 10pm on a Wednesday. After some crappy band performed, the lights dimmed and it was time.
N'dea walked out in true diva form. The milli-second her mouth opened to sing, I began yelling the bars right along with her. I didn't realize how loud I was until N'dea looked down at me with a puzzled, but flattered look. She winked at me and continued singing. By the fourth song, I noticed the crowd around me had given me extra space. Andrew (bass guitar) kept giving me looks every now and then, giving me a thumbs up while plucking the guitar. I snapped out of my BNH trance and realized, I was jumping up and down with my hands flailing over my head and singing at the top of my lungs.
During the brief intermission, a tall, older White guy tapped me on the shoulder and started telling me about how he's been following the band all over the country. "I just got back from Atlanta and then I'm off to Vegas..." I thought I was a die hard fan. He gave me his business card and I promised to e-mail him my pics.
N'dea came back on stage and started talking to the crowd...To me. She asked what we've been doing in the Bay Area. Before I could even think, I yelled out something. She looked at me and put the mic to my mouth, I screamed, "I'm so glad you're back with the band. Saidah Garrett sucked. That was a huge mistake...." She yanked the mic from my mouth and asked me what song I wanted to hear next. I shot out my request and the band began playing, Forever....I knew that was the next song, because I bullied the stage hand to allow me to take a picture of the song list.
When the concert was over, my feet hurt like hell, I was drenched in sweat, my belt left a black ring around my white tank top, my mascara melted, giving me raccoon eyes and my hair turned into a huge afro. When I pulled the traveling BNHs fan's card out my back jean pocket, it fell into pieces in my hand. The sweat soaked card was smeared with blue ink. I guess he won't be getting any pics. It is to date, the best concert I've ever been to (Replacing Stanley Clarke @ Yoshi's.)
Here's a couple of the 67 pics I took. Oh, and I did get all four of the original band mates to sign my cassette tape of their first released album.

I can't read other blogger pages since I "upgraded" my blogger account. Someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong. My friend is trying to convince me to do a week long detox diet. I started it and was doing well. Two granny smith apples, a pomegranate, 24 oz of water and two cups of herbal tea. When I got home, I chomped down some cheez its, a chocolate mousse canoli and I'm waiting for my thai food to be delivered. I'm a very bossy person. I like to be in control. How in the hell did she expect me to follow a strict diet for seven days? Not happening. She just called me and told me she's been bitchy all day because she's so hungry. I told her the detox diet is going very well for me and I have no cravings.
Last week, I saw the Brand New Heavies at the Mezanine in the city. They are my favorite band of all time (Jamiroquai and The Roots are tied). When the doors opened, I reserved my spot, middle front stage. I hid my digital camera underneath my right boob, my first BNH cassette underneath my left boob and waited for them to grace the stage. The place packed quick, which was astonishing to me, being that it was almost 10pm on a Wednesday. After some crappy band performed, the lights dimmed and it was time.
N'dea walked out in true diva form. The milli-second her mouth opened to sing, I began yelling the bars right along with her. I didn't realize how loud I was until N'dea looked down at me with a puzzled, but flattered look. She winked at me and continued singing. By the fourth song, I noticed the crowd around me had given me extra space. Andrew (bass guitar) kept giving me looks every now and then, giving me a thumbs up while plucking the guitar. I snapped out of my BNH trance and realized, I was jumping up and down with my hands flailing over my head and singing at the top of my lungs.
During the brief intermission, a tall, older White guy tapped me on the shoulder and started telling me about how he's been following the band all over the country. "I just got back from Atlanta and then I'm off to Vegas..." I thought I was a die hard fan. He gave me his business card and I promised to e-mail him my pics.
N'dea came back on stage and started talking to the crowd...To me. She asked what we've been doing in the Bay Area. Before I could even think, I yelled out something. She looked at me and put the mic to my mouth, I screamed, "I'm so glad you're back with the band. Saidah Garrett sucked. That was a huge mistake...." She yanked the mic from my mouth and asked me what song I wanted to hear next. I shot out my request and the band began playing, Forever....I knew that was the next song, because I bullied the stage hand to allow me to take a picture of the song list.
When the concert was over, my feet hurt like hell, I was drenched in sweat, my belt left a black ring around my white tank top, my mascara melted, giving me raccoon eyes and my hair turned into a huge afro. When I pulled the traveling BNHs fan's card out my back jean pocket, it fell into pieces in my hand. The sweat soaked card was smeared with blue ink. I guess he won't be getting any pics. It is to date, the best concert I've ever been to (Replacing Stanley Clarke @ Yoshi's.)
Here's a couple of the 67 pics I took. Oh, and I did get all four of the original band mates to sign my cassette tape of their first released album.

At 5:04 AM,
Fresh said…
you had a fabooo time! keep that energy going!
At 5:54 AM,
Knockout Zed said…
The Heavies...*sigh*
N'Dea is dreamy! *sigh*
At 6:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
sounds like a great show...I'm jealous. *smile*
At 10:50 AM,
Dwayne said…
I'm not big in the Brand New Heavies. But it sounds like, you had a blast. Good things. Glad your back and blogging Chubs.
At 1:45 PM,
Ms.Honey said…
Fans I tell ya LOL
At 8:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
sounds like good times ... im jealous... you should be able to see other peoples blogs though even though you upgraded ... i did ... and to comment you have to click on sign in with google account... hope that helps!
At 4:41 PM,
Disco said…
Oh My DAMN!!!!! Lookie here Girl! this is OFFICIALLY reason No. 195 why I like yo booty!!!!
BNH???? PUH-LEASE!!!! I LOVVVVVVVVVE THEM and I woulda said the EXACT.SAME.FUCKING.THING you did about that Garrett chick....she was a waste of breath....
BNH is ONLY second to Maxwell (he is def first in my neo-soul realm...... Tribe Called Quest and De La are it for the Hip-Hop set)
But for real, OH.. MY GOD!!! I am sooooooooooooo jealous and "Forever" is my ALL TIME Favorite!!!
And though some didn't like N'Dea's solo album, THAT was the bomb too! I saw them when they came here years ago and you are making me go online to see if they're bringing they're asses back here cause if they are..... I'm there (uh, Zed.... we need to make that trek again!!!).
Yeah, last time I saw then with Zed! LOL
At 6:42 PM,
Abeni said…
Welcome back.I was wondering what happened to ya
At 10:13 PM,
Chubby Chocolate said…
@Robyn: N'dea's solo album was so under appreciated. It's amazing! Don't even get me to steppin' on my BNH soapbox!
At 3:47 PM,
CEO of Mischief with a PhD in Troublemaking. said…
OMG! Love your blog, CC. Your humor is making my day, especially the story about the silly wench that accosted you at the gym. I saw BNH in ATL some months ago, and I left the joint so hoarst that I couldn't speak. Happy Holidays!
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