This is for the ladies-Hell, maybe men too, since you penis' also have a monthly cycle, but it's more mental...
Ever get that feeling of contentment right before PMSing? Everything seems to be going right, your skin is flawless and you find yourself smiling for no reason? You've got your weekday routine down pact, with nothing out of the ordinary veering you off track? You're getting along with people and even taking the time to listen to what they have to say, instead of just waiting for your turn to speak?
Then about five days later, you want to ram your car into the nearest Ben&Jerry's...You know, because it cuts out that whole parking and walking up to the counter thing.
While in college, I started (never finished) a research project on my notion. I called it the calm before the storm.I surveyed about 60 females and ultimately,their responses supported my personal hypothesis that (I'm not psycho)there must be a surplus of some type of hormone (I'll call it happy juice for lack of anything better)that releases right before we get bitchy. This is what I think:
Right before we PMS, our glands (I think it's pituitary?) empties out all the happy juice so that we can exert it, so our glands can have enough room to fill up with an excessive amount of estrogen, that causes our PMS bouts...Just enough to turn us into emotional wrecks. Are you still with me? So that calm before the storm feeling is that high we get from our bodies rush to use up all the happy juice so it can flood us with PMS juice...Am I making sense? Well that's what's going on with me this week. I'm in my monthly calm before the storm period (hence, the freakish confident look I have in previous post).
Moving forward, I think I'll refrain from blogging while under the influence of caffeine and Red Bull...
Ever get that feeling of contentment right before PMSing? Everything seems to be going right, your skin is flawless and you find yourself smiling for no reason? You've got your weekday routine down pact, with nothing out of the ordinary veering you off track? You're getting along with people and even taking the time to listen to what they have to say, instead of just waiting for your turn to speak?
Then about five days later, you want to ram your car into the nearest Ben&Jerry's...You know, because it cuts out that whole parking and walking up to the counter thing.
While in college, I started (never finished) a research project on my notion. I called it the calm before the storm.I surveyed about 60 females and ultimately,their responses supported my personal hypothesis that (I'm not psycho)there must be a surplus of some type of hormone (I'll call it happy juice for lack of anything better)that releases right before we get bitchy. This is what I think:
Right before we PMS, our glands (I think it's pituitary?) empties out all the happy juice so that we can exert it, so our glands can have enough room to fill up with an excessive amount of estrogen, that causes our PMS bouts...Just enough to turn us into emotional wrecks. Are you still with me? So that calm before the storm feeling is that high we get from our bodies rush to use up all the happy juice so it can flood us with PMS juice...Am I making sense? Well that's what's going on with me this week. I'm in my monthly calm before the storm period (hence, the freakish confident look I have in previous post).
Moving forward, I think I'll refrain from blogging while under the influence of caffeine and Red Bull...
At 5:15 AM,
Pamalicious said…
Sis - that's our last chance to procreate so we move into "I really am worth it" mode - except now a days we don't have sex just to procreate so it's all wasted, lol lol lol.
So take the time and get alot of things done - so when you start wrecking and breaking shit - at least something survives, lol
At 7:07 AM,
Knockout Zed said…
My name's you ladies work this out.
At 7:20 AM,
Blah Blah Blah said…
I am generally pleasant before and during....but I do act an ass....just because society says I can during this time of the month!...LOL
At 8:27 AM,
I'm with you on this one!
Your not crazy, it does happen like this for most women. Sucks that we have to go thru that crap. Men would freak if they had to endure 5-7 days of leaking from their ding-a-lings!
Agrrr,I feel my storm comming on ;(
At 8:33 AM,
SP said…
This makes total sense to me. I get it now. I'm all happy and good, then a week later everyone/thing in the world starts to annoy me.
At 12:05 PM,
ChezNiki said…
I heard that men actually have 24 HOUR CYCLES, with a testosterone surge every morning @7am...may just be urban legend, though. Ask Serial, he would know, LOL
...I am definitely happy-looking a week beforehand. That is my hornyest time of the month, so I am as charming and sweet as I can muster while prowling the streets looking for willing victims...the men involved think they've hit the lotto!...;-D
At 12:33 PM,
The_Practitioner said…
Personally, I'm more interested in that time frame when a woman is just coming off of her cycle. Can anyone say horniness? (lol) The brief time period alone, has been the catalyst for many a serial dater tales. ;o)
At 2:13 PM,
Abeni said…
tell me about it
At 6:56 PM,
Butterfly Jones said…
It's just pure crap isn't it? Isn't it bad enough that we have to push out their big-headed babies, but we have to lose two weeks out of every month to this shit as well. I HATE IT. Pass me the H-Juice.
At 1:37 PM,
brooklyn babe said…
Preach. Cause baby a sista is soooo calm right about now. But I know that storm is going to be like Tempest Rising soon enough.
Now if duded (Pay attention Zed honey this might help with Batshit) If dudes could just get their timing right to hit the sheets right in that calm.... they will totally miss the storm
Lol, who I kidding, we'll rain on their ass anyway...
At 3:01 PM,
nikki said…
i thought i was crazy when i noticed the same thing about myself. it's good to know i'm not the only female experiencing this. i wish we could bottle that happy juice, though, because i get extra bitchy during that "time of the month".
At 8:04 PM,
TRUTHZ said…
gurl just don't go "Ima get you sucka" dawn lewis on nobody. i get very insightful and wise right before too... i see everything so
At 5:12 AM,
LadyLee said…
I think you're on to something there, CC!
At 1:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
It's called Progesterone!!! It is happy juice. Ever wonder why pregnant women glow? They're making a shit ton of it!
At 9:47 AM,
Ming Houser, Realtor said…
My boyfriend got a taste of me PMSing this weekend and I think he almost slit his wrist. As I think about it all I can do is laugh and apologize...LOL! But, you're right we are all happy and stuff thinking that we're not going to get emotional this month, then WHAM! The flood gates open, the heart places itself on your sleeve and the man you love is the man you hate just because he's a man. Gotta love being a woman...LOL!
At 6:28 PM,
Laylah Queen of the Night said…
I dont notice the calm before the storm, I def notice the storm! I start thinking about old arguments that happened 7 years ago and I feel prank calling the person...
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