WARNING: I've just sucked down my fourth Rice Krispie Treat. I'm trying to work this out through catharsis....
I took my third trip down the hall to the food closet where the boxes of treats were waiting for me. This time, I got stopped by a staff member who said, "You're going back for MORE sugar?" Like an addict, I came up with some lame, denial riddled excuse. "Well, you see the sugar, see I need it because, you see I was up late and I'm under a deadline right now and um..."
I need an intervention.
Yesterday, I stole about 10 treats and I've hidden them in the vegetable bin in the fridge-The last place my brother will look. This is true madness, I tell you! I'm so wired right now, I can't even keep still. I walked to the mailbox down the street with no mail, I've walked to the bathroom three times and I don't have to piss....I even think I'm getting that crackhead itch. I haven't had any breakfast or lunch. I'm not even hungry, I just want RICE KRISPIE TREATS!
It's time for my fourth hit. When I get to the closet, I target in on where the boxes are. They're stacked up to the ceiling. I look down and find an empty brown box. It looks so dreary without the pillows of blue foiled treats. None of the boxes are opened.
I have to open up a bulk box of treats just to take out a box of 24, just to open that box to get one out. I made an attempt at sliding one box out like the game Jinga, but I failed.
I'm sweating now. Someone did this so I couldn't get them out. I bet it was that little fucker who questioned me. He stacked these boxes up like this, so I couldn't get access to the only thing (well, my rabbit too) that's pacifying my cootchie from hunger contractions. I try to climb the stack to knock off the top, forgetting that I'm not a size 2 and failed again. Are the boxes turning on me? Have they formed an alliance to shut me out? My knuckles have turned crackhead ashy from handling the boxes. If only they had dicks to suck....Wait! What's this? I spot a hint of blue foil peeking out from the corner of the storage closet. My heart races and I grab the crack off the ground, stripped off the foil and sucked down my fix. Did I really just grab it off the ground?
After sucking it down, I strolled back to my office, shut the door and sank in my seat as if I'd just finished an orgasm. Send help.
A junky-crack-whored, but content Chubby Chocolate signing off...
At 7:26 PM,
NameLiar said…
LMAO!!! Girl I have a similar problem when comes to twinkies...I have been twinkie free for 7 months now...just taking it one day at a time. I also have a secret crush on Oreo's but its an off again on again
You have slow down how many you eat a day gradually reducing the amount. Its hard as fuck but you can do it. Good luck.
At 10:01 AM,
Clay said…
lolol - this is too much!
At 10:24 AM,
sammie said…
We all are crackheaad RE:something.
I saw the title of yr post and thought I had gone back a few weeks..hahaha' then I realized u just had a relapse!!!
Insert SEX where the Rice Krispie's are sitting, and then u will be a satisfied woman...can't go without BOTH at the same time!!!
Lawdie lawdie woman!! Yr gonna end up in a SUGA COMA!
At 5:09 PM,
Phukofku Gale said…
If you really want a substitute for Snap and Crackle I got somethin' that'll make you *POP*...
Seriously, The week is over but I can still write a lil somehin' just for you.
If not, well...damn...try the cocoa krispy treats. A lil variety never hurt anybody!
p.s. my crack is mini almond joy..and sex.
At 8:24 AM,
brooklyn babe said…
Sup CC!
Hey if you think that's addictive, how about when you make yourself, and its hot and fresh... great way to clog up the arteries with butter and oil... lol. I had to cut that addiction, right quick. My jeans were starting to tell on me.
At 12:35 PM,
Knockout Zed said…
There are worse addictions, believe me!!!
Porn Addict since 1988.
At 2:08 PM,
Chubby Chocolate said…
I've ended my sugar binge. I'm in recovery mode now, taking it one second at a time...
@Zed = You can never have too much porn-Can you?! :-)
At 3:25 PM,
Fresh said…
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